Vision and values

Potenza Technology (the Company) has a clear idea of where it is aiming (the vision), the things it will do to get there (the mission) and the values that it expects all employees to live by whilst working on behalf of the Company.
‘To be an internationally recognised leader in future electrification technologies.’
Potenza Technology will undertake research, design, development and supply of innovative technologies into the global marketplace, which will enable products with a focus on carbon emission reduction.
Safety – Safety is paramount; do not put yourself or others at risk and raise concerns without fear of reprisal.
Integrity – Honesty with customers, suppliers and other employees, even when the information isn’t what they want to hear.
Work ethic – Put in the extra effort when required to try to deliver or exceed customer expectations.
Respect – Respect colleagues, customers and suppliers and treat them as you would wish to be treated.
Tolerance – Understand that in leading the way, we must guide others in a constructive way to learn about the technology limitations and opportunities.
Learning – Mistakes will be tolerated as long as learning is applied to future decisions.
Presentation – Personal presentation and your workplace are to be kept in a manner of which you are proud.
Environment – Look after your work environment and the global environment.
Potenza Technology (the Company) has a clear idea of where it is aiming (the vision), the things it will do to get there (the mission) and the values that it expects all employees to live by whilst working on behalf of the Company.